25 Oct 5am Inspiration

{Back in Oct, I was working with a client.

She was struggling with another colleague giving advice of what her biz goals should be. {Has this ever happened to you?}

I woke up at 5am with this letter of inspiration & this just flowed… so I wanted to share with you, too.

Does this benefit you, too?

Check it out & let me know in the comments below… I’d LOVE to hear your thoughts!}

I LOVE your work. It has meaning, depth, & impact.
I LOVE my work. It has meaning, depth, & impact.

As Highly Sensitives, we have a rhythm & pace that is natural for us. As natural as an individual fingerprint that is unique to only YOU. {pretty amazing, right?!}

I believe that others lead with the best of intentions, but be Aware {mindful}, that everyone has their own agenda. That isn’t right or wrong, but just IS… for them.

Be aware & mindful that others may {& will} try to push your natural rhythm & process to better suit theirs. This will be a test for you.

I believe in YOU & your impactful work.

It deserves to be honoured & respected just like others’ view points & opinions – even if they do not match our own.

My mother gave me HANDS DOWN the best advice of my life. She said, “Crystal, Everybody has good intentions. They will give advice & opinions in the name of ‘helping’. Your only obligation is to smile, nod, say thank you, & then turn around & do your own thing.”

{Wow, right?! How powerful & practical is that?!}

WE have choices to make a {gentle, polite, firm} stand for what’s best for us. We are responsible for our choices & not anyone else.

We’ve already experienced in our lives what happens when we don’t, right?

Today, we unite, encourage, support, & uplift one another to trust OURSELVES.

You are a leader for other voices, too. Let’s draw a line in the sand today & decide to use our own versions of the following…

“I’m grateful that you love me enough to share with me. I trust that you feel this is the right choice for you, but to be true to myself, it isn’t the right choice for me at this time.” ​

Let’s decide to Trust & Love the Process & see how it goes. Everything has perfect timing. Have patience. If something feels pushed or you feel resistance, then look inside to see what lesson you’re supposed to learn. I love you. We’re in this together! 🙂

Big Hugs & Let’s Rock!
~Crystal 🙂

​#WeGotThis #BestYou #TrustYou #LoveTheProcess #WeHaveChoices #Leadership #Encourage #Uplift #Support #HSPLeaders #HighlySensitiveLeaders #HSP #IBelieveInYou #ISeeYou #SeeOthers​