What IS #AuthenticMarketing? {& 3+ use today ideas}

In the course of my ClickFunnels training {& general awareness of the online marketing world}, I became painfully aware that…

…every time I ran across a video with the co-founder & CEO, Russell Brunson, I got a bit squirmy & just wanted to shut it off. The energy of the video was a bit stressing for me. Now, to be fair to Russell, a couple of things…

~ I love many things about what he teaches, his family values, & his Give Back component of his business &

~ He certainly has proved that he can make money!

However… he hands down doesn’t resonate with ME.

& it’s not just Russell… there are plenty of fast talking, loud, slick sales & marketing {& business!} gurus out there that {at least for me} are missing something when it comes to real, genuine, authentic connection.

Have you ever experienced this? Are you familiar with I’m talking about?

Because of this, I decided to take a stand & developed another way. One that is 100% in alignment with Me!

So, what IS #AuthenticMarketing?

#AuthenticMarketing speaks from & to the heart. From our deep, authentic truths. There is no bait & switch. There are no shame or guilt tactics… nothing that makes us feel dirty or icky.

It’s all about creating real, genuine, authentic connections, then trust with our audiences.

It’s about using our own vulnerabilities to showcase strengths, which create real bonds with our audience.

It does, however, include natural urgencies because having your prospects make a decision one way or another is a service to you both!

We’re not wishy washy about offering our services as a solution. We’d be doing a serious disservice NOT to offer the right person under the right circumstances, afterall.

Authentic Marketing Owns the Value of our products & services vs trying to inauthentically puff up the perceived value. *There IS a place for a special one time bonus / incentive! This is different than ALWAYS seeing a slashed price for a product / service OR “accidentally” finding the price of something for less somewhere else… it’s the general feeling of distrust that’s the problem.

Integrity is HUUUUUUGE for me personally & I once trust is broken with any business person {especially online{, it’s just not the same feeling again, right?!

Does this make sense?

So… what are some tangible ideas that you can take, develop, & use this month? {or today!}

To keep the overwhelm down, I’ll only list a few. If you’re interested in more, reply & let me know. if I get a good response, I’ll consider a special training video with more ideas!

Here we go…

3+ #AuthenticMarketing Ideas

1. Uncover Your Deep WHY
Background story
My Demo Video
After lens
~ Take your 7th level
~ what story was triggered when you realized the truth of the 7th level?
~ share this with your audience via your preferred modality {writing, video, audio}, could be a “live” or predone post{s}
~ Consider chunking it out in 2 or 3 segments, leaving an “open loop”… leaving on a cliffhanger… previewing the next chunk, like the Netflix series you love to hate, ha! 🙂
~ How can you connect either the vulnerability of this… or the content of your 7th level to your work? How is this directly relevant to how you help others and for the vulnerability you ask of those you help? {I hope this makes sense}

2. “People Don’t Buy What You Do, They Buy WHY You Do It” ~ Simon Sinek
Did you catch the Simon Sinek inspired training & insight email? If not, check your inbox, spam, or email me.
Once you understand Your Deep WHY, be mindful of how you can integrate this into your regular communication {prospect conversations, regular audience communication, speaking engagements, etc}. Different than a 1 time story shared above, be mindful of how to begin using this regularly & watch / feel the difference!

3. Take a Stand 
Whether it’s in your industry, personally, or in the business world in general, what is one thing that you absolutely take a stand for? Why? What’s the backstory? Share it with your audience & directly connect it to either your work or how you help others. {*Top Tip: Even more fun if you can directly connect it to what THEY’re thinking / feeling either before or when working with you. If they feel understood, you’re golden!}

4. Product / Service Info
Revisit your favorite or staple product or service. Take a look a the description, benefits, who it’s for, etc… all the wording surrounding it and see it through a lens of Owning the Value. Is it diamond clear how your clients life will be affected as a result… both tangible & intangible as well? Are there words / phrases specifically calling to attention the pain points they {sometimes desperately} wanted solved? or Write a story {for your purposes} of how their life would be if they continued on without help.

Do these make sense?

Are these doable, actions for you?

Can you see how when implemented, you’ll not only see, but feel the results?

Please reply & let me know! I’d LOVE to hear your #1 takeaway or #1 question for potential future training, regardless of where you find yourself.

You Provide Unbelievable Transformation for People! Your Value Is Incredible!

When you use specific stories and share them with your audience, you’ll magnetically & authentically attract the RIGHT person to you who’ll See Your Value and say Heck Ya! because you solve the problem they have… all in 100% alignment to YOU! Now THAT’s #AuthenticMarketing.

I’m very committed to helping You increase your #PositiveImpact with your work so you can have more choices… at home… at work… and in life.

Own Your Choices & Everything Has Perfect Timing…

Creating a Real Tangible #PositiveImpact Matters.
Let’s rock yours!

~Crystal 😍

P.S. What’s your #1 online marketing challenge right now? Hit reply & let me know… {I’m looking for video training ideas!}